Putus by Melda Ahmad

Aku duduk sendirian dikamarku,
menangis kesepian kernamu,
kau tinggalkan aku,
kau cari yg lain,
tergamakmu merobek hatiku.

Tapi setelah kau pegi aku
mendapat lebih baik darimu,
dia hargai aku,
dia sayangi aku
lebih daripadamu,
aku ingin kau tahu betapa ku gembira,
tidak lagi bersamamu,
namun pastinya nanti kau akan sedari,
yang kau perlu cintaku,
yang kau perlu cintaku,
yang kau perlu cintaku….

P/S: Like the lyric of this song..Means a lot to me..When you leave me, the only things that I did every night was cried myself out..My heart was in pieces at that time..But now I had someone else, the one who loves me more than you..He appreciate me even more than you..And I'm happy with my life now, though I admit that sometimes I miss you...And I hope someday you got to know how happy I am now without you..Try listen the song by yourself..here the link...Click Here

Lots of Love,