Thanks For all the wish for me make through either FB, RP, Twitter, SMS and many other ways...Thanks So much!!!! Been 1 and a half hours reply all the wishes..Got really a lot of it..Thanks again to all my dear beloved friends..
Feel lucky to be born perfect enough to this earth, today was such a special day to me..
Not just because it was my birthday but because the date was really interesting..20 October 2010 or in other way we write it like this 20.10.2010
And there is more, today was my 20th birthday..Which make it more special..
My 20th birthday on 20.10.2010
My wishes status up to now:
FaceBook : 70 wishes
SMS : 3 only (i guess all my friends run out of their credits)
Twitter : 1 (i dun hv many friends at twitter)
Dear God,
Thanks for the opportunities that had been given by YOU..
Thanks also for the healthiness and happiness that was given to me since I was a child till now...
On this special day that YOU given to me, I would like to wish for a great day onwards..
Hoping so much on my studies now, and not to forget to my family too..
Dear GOD,
I really wish as for myself now that my life would be even better in the time to come..
And, I hope GOD that you will lead me in my studies and hopefully I get to finish my studies on time..
That's all my wish for the time being, the one that I can only think of right now..