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Ethics surf, should I?

(Our Tech Blog) A survey conducted ICT Watch indicates that data is quite surprising. How could I not, as many as 72 percent of survey respondents involved in ICT Watch Indonesia says Internet users are less ethical when delivering his opinions online.

Medium users are considered less ethical Social Networking (52%) and the chatroom (21%). The medium that the user is considered unethical the Forum (35%) and Wiki (28%).

"When asked about the reference to a typical online ethics (formulated) by the Indonesian people? The majority of respondents, 69% thought that the move was necessary but not yet exist today," said chairman of the board of ICT Watch Donny BU through his statement on Friday (09/09/2011).

At least, the results of a survey that followed 475 respondents in the first week of September 2011 at a glance, provide an overview of Internet users in Indonesia.

Alongside the survey results, a number of community representatives from different regions and backgrounds will gather and discuss planned in Jakarta on Friday (16/09/2011). The representatives of the community will formulate a draft joint declaration which may be a reference online ethic typical of Indonesia.

"The concept of a discussion in the form of focus group discussions. The input, process and output of, by and for the community. ICT Watch it only as a facilitator," said Donny.

Representatives of the community is the driving force or in the realm of online activists like the Sorcerer's community of bloggers from Palembang, Pekanbaru Wongkito, North Sumatra Medan, Pontianak Beleter, Arumbai Ambon, Ambon Moving, Flobamora Ende, AnggingMammiri Makassar, Denpasar Bali Blogger, Plat-M Madura, Surabaya TPC , Angkringan Jogja, Joglo Abang Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang Loenpia, dots Semarang, Malang Ngalam, CommonRoom Bandung, Bandung BlogVaganza, Bloggor Bogor, Depok dBlogger, Amprokan Bekasi, Chat Langsat and Academy Sharing Jakarta.

In addition there will be representatives from jalinmerapi, Karya Tuna Netra, KasKus, Volunteer-ICT, Community Seconds, White Water Foundation, One World Foundation, Yayasan Indonesia Wiki, Communities Arus Pelangi, idBlogNetwork and movement Do Nude Front Camera (JBDK).

Due to resource limitations, it is not all representative of the entire community in Indonesia can be invited to attend the discussion later. However, the discussion will be listened to live on the Internet via video streaming facilities. So anyone and all parts connected to the Internet can follow and participate in the discussion later.

Expected with the diversity initiative pesetas on the above discussion, the draft declaration, which will ditelurkan not later Jakarta-centric or Java-centric. Any participants who were involved also attempted to bridge the sound of heterogeneous peers, such as the visually impaired community, LGBT activists and women's empowerment.

The major purpose of drafting the declaration, except that we have a reference online ethic of adaptable, adjustable and doable for the Indonesian context, also to show that Indonesia nettizen able to govern themselves (self-regulated) in activities in the virtual domain.

Taken from detikINET, Discussion to be held at the Hotel Harris Tebet will also get the enrichment of Internet Service Providers Association of Indonesia (APJII), Domain Name Management Indonesia (PANDI), the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), HIVOS, legal practitioners and new media practitioners. In addition, there will be a special session of the Asia Pacific that Google will share best practices on online freedom of expression and opinion in the virtual domain on a number of countries.